Welcome to Blencowe Blog

Why Blencowe Blog? Because my other website is called Blencowe Books  http://www.blencowebooks.com.au/ which as you can tell by the “.au” is in Australia. The ‘books’ is a dead giveaway. Yes, I’m an author among other things, and I sell my own books. So does New Holland Publishing http://www.newholland.com.au/product.php?isbn=9781921517112, and so does Amazon Kindle http://www.amazon.com/Frank-Aquino/e/B0056I1294/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1.

Sorry about the multiplicity of links; I promise not to clutter the place with any more than necessary. Personally I find links gaudy and distracting, but that’s the way of the world these days.

This is also my first blog and I’m looking forward to where it takes me. It’s a bit like writing a novel. You start with an idea and you let the words flow and see where they go. Sometimes they take you to interesting and exciting places; while othertimes they do the rabbit-hole thing and you have to back away and delete.

Speaking of delete, WordPress has filters for foul language, racial nonsense and hate mail etc, but if any sneaks through I’ll ditch it immediately and report it. Meantime, have a look at my books and let me know if you want to buy one, or if you have a Kindle, Ipad or whatever, download the Kindle version at Amazon. I don’t have a Kindle yet, but I guess I’d better. I read somewhere that February this year was the first month that ebooks outsold paper books in the USA. 

A new era begins.

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